Welcome to this website: a personal stake in webspace planted by omz13; comes with a 198x vibe1; thoughtfully hand-built with love, much coffee, and 202x technology.
If you were expecting excitement, adventure, and really wild things, what kind of website you think this is?
For the aesthetes (or people who just like fiddling with settings), the controls at the top of this and some other pages can be used to change how it looks. Think of “lpr” as a printer, so choose the technology you want, and “med” as the paper media to use with it (with different one for each printer technology). If you eschew all that visual nonsense this site looks just great in a browser in reader mode or with css disabled; you’re welcome.
If you are new here: the who, what, why, and how:
- I’m just this dude who does things with computers, writes words, and creates art.
- What I am doing now; are you curious, stalking me, or on a dérive and got here by chance?
- My personal manifesto: beware opinions!
- The colophon details how this website was built and apparently people want to know about the virtual glue and duct tape that hold it together.
If you are into such things, browse the slashpages.
More content will be made public as time progresses.
If you are into IndieAuth you can use this to identify yourself: depending on the wind and the sun and the moon2 additional content may or may not be made available to you. login initiates the identification ceremony. Because nobody uses IndieAuth3, alternates are planned.
$LastModified: 2024-11-29 11:08:49Z (Fri, 29 Nov 2024) $
A minimilistic aesthetic because information doesn’t need chrome, and if it has chrome lets do something fun; if you recognize the style and your memory has dug up the sound of printer chugging away as you read this page you are one of the old ones on the internet; if not kindly a deep dive on antiquainted printing equipment must you do. ↩︎
Whether you have been identified and as friend (harmless, mostly harmless, etc.) or foe (bozo, tool, etc.) primarily determines what additional content is made available. People who have flipped the bozo bit should beware of my capricious nature when it comes to clearing it and I am more than capable of holding a grudge for decades; #FAFO ↩︎
IndieAuth was fundamentally broken because, like everything coming from IndieWeb, it was predicated on the use of microformats and nobody outside of that cult can be bothered to use them (too much effort for too litte reward, plus the same could be achieved through other methods but, similarly, such pathways are closed for cultish philisophical over practical reasons). Curiously enough, in July 2024, IndieAuth dropped the need for microformats because pushback. ↩︎