Welcome to the personal website of omz13, a hoopy dude who thinks in lines and curves (typo/graphic designer), mangles words (writer), and wrangles bits and bytes (software engineer). He is such a frood that he somehow manages to still know where his towel is. More information can be found in who and now.

This site offers the usual pages for you, dear interlocuteur, to explore; the “nav” the top is a good place to look, and perennial favorite that is slashes1 is a good place to start.
If you identify yourself to this site, additional content may appear based on whether you are considered to be a friend or a foe2. Click “log in” at the top of the page to initiate the identification ceremony. You can use IndieAuth3.
This website is where experiments are performed with http, html, css, svg, png, gif, and all the other inglorious things out there in the webspace. When things break, normality will be restored as soon as possible.
This website has a retro vibe resembling the output you’d find from an ancient impact or laser printer. Information is structured and presented in a way that very much resembles the very early days of the world wide web (where <dl> was not only de rigeur but content negotiation was a thing4).
The controls at the top the page can be used to change how the site looks5. Think of “lpr” as a selector for a printer, so choose the technology you want; “med” is the media to use with the aforementioned; “dsp” allows display options to be tweaked, viz. color scheme and contrast mode. If you eschew visual nonsense this site looks great in a browser if you can enable reader mode or disable css. For those into such things, content negotiation is supported (IYKYK).
This site is crafted by hand with love, lots of coffee, and has been thoughtfully implemented as a bespoke platform using modern technology. Achieving this is not as easy as it appears (because making simple is hard); the colophon details how this was done because apparently people want to know about the virtual glue and duct tape that hold it together. Remember it is best to never ask how sausages and websites are made (answer: it is very messy).
If you are expecting excitement, adventure, and really wild things, you have the wrong place.

$LastModified: 2025-03-17 10:24:57Z (Mon, 17 Mar 2025) $

  1. Pages that are at the root or a site are called the “slash” pages because they are in the root folder, which is “/” and this is a symbol called slash, hence the term slashes which is an abbreviation for slash-pages. ↩︎

  2. Whether you have been identified and as friend (harmless, mostly harmless, frenemy, etc.) or foe (bad bot, etc.) determines what additional content is made available. People who have flipped the bozo bit should beware that I am more than capable of holding a grudge for decades. ↩︎

  3. IndieAuth was fundamentally broken because, like everything coming from IndieWeb, it was predicated on the use of microformats and nobody outside of that cult can be bothered to use them (too much effort for too little reward, plus the same could be achieved through other methods but, similarly, such pathways are closed for cultish philisophical over practical reasons). Surprisingly, in July 2024, IndieAuth dropped the need for microformats because pushback↩︎

  4. It is at this point that some people — you know who you are — will doubt the veracity of these words. Go check with TimBL if you don’t believe me. ↩︎

  5. These user preferences are persisted to local storage (not cookie storage) for your convenience. ↩︎