What am I doing Now(-ish)1

Being the proud father of twin children, most of my time is occupied doing my best to keep them alive while they do their best to kill me. One day I will get 9 hours continuous sleep; IYKYK.
Prototyping a new series of generative art; doing things with a dot matrix printer for an retro-authentic feel.
Developing Imoxia™, my web identity/blog/social platform. Somebody was very snarky and dismissive about it because it is currently only used by one(-ish) person (me). Who says a platform can’t be for one person? Why does everything have to be about taking over the world? Ironically, that snarky person developed their own platform which is used by exactly one person (themselves) so WTF are they being dismissive of mine?
I am always listening to music. Recently I have dipped my ears into opera (Il Barbiere Di Sivigila is wonderful, particularly Callas/Gobbi). Otherwise, its my usual choice of Tangerine Dream, et al.
I don’t read as much for pleasure as I used to: q.v. life. The last book that I read was Berserker (2024) by Adrian Edmondson. I am currently reading the Greek Myths series by Stephen Fry (which should keep me busy until the end of 2025, if not longer).
Many of the wise things that I say are noted in my private journal (becase, despite what especially the millenials and quite a few others may think, public is not a sensible default). Occasionally things get curated and made available public on my weblog or gemlog.

$LastModified: 2025-03-10 11:09:30Z (Mon, 10 Mar 2025) $

  1. The concept behind a “/now” page comes from What is a “now page”?: to inform the reader about what the author is focused on at this point in their life. ↩︎