the slashes
The following is list to the publicly available pages in the root (euphemistically known as “the slashes”[^slashes]):
- /contact
- this page shows the ways that you can contact omz13; if logged in, more ways may appear (or not, because capriciousness is a thing here)
- /colophon
- this page details the more technical aspects of how this website is built
- /ia
- the information architecture that this site tries to follow
- /lpt
- life pro tips: meatspace hacks
- /manual of me
- my very tongue-in-cheek version of my manual-of-me
- /now
- a “/now” page informs the reader about what the author is focused on at this point in their life. For more, see What is a “now page”?
- /philosophy
- one day, omz13 sat down at the keyboard and typed up his highly opinionated philosophy on life gained from The School of Hard Knocks. TL;DR avoid assholes and block idiots
- /uses
- the everyday things that omz13 uses
- /who
- who is this “omz13” dude?