The web is a free-for-all. There is no structure. No order. Only chaos.
Over time a concensus of opnion has established that some pages should have specific names and specific purposes1. The index document at “/” is now the “homepage”, but what it should be has never quite been defined; although it was called an index document it was used more akin as a table of content. Other pages have purpsoes ranging from technical to hunmorous: this page details, in alphabetical order, the ones that I publically admit to their existence on this website; there may be others, and its up to you to find them if you are (they’re mainly easter eggs).
- /contact
- a way for people to contact me
- /colophon
- this page details the more technical aspects of how this website is built
- /ia
- the information architecture that this site attempts to follow
- /lpt
- life pro tips: meatspace hacks
- /manifesto
- this is my highly opionated POV on life and how to best get on with it. TL;DR avoid assholes and gain virtual experience points everytime you annoy certain people
- /manual of me
- See manual-of-me-short-introduction.
- /now
- A “/now” page informs the reader about what the author is focused on at this point in their life. For more, see What is a “now page”?
- /uses
- the everyday things that I use
- /who
- Everybody else will call this an “/about”, but to me that is more of a corporate thing. This is a personal site, so my ego demands and my id agrees that I put it on /who instead.
$LastModified: 2024-11-21 10:14:39Z (Thu, 21 Nov 2024) $
Some dude detailed contemporaneous use of pages at Slash Pages, and now all the cool kids are adding “/slahes” to their personal websites to humblebrag about all their slash pages. We all live in an internet bubble. We are all sheep. Baaa. ↩︎