/manual of me

This page is inspired from manual-of-me-short-introduction. It is an exercise for the reader to establish the level of seriousness or sarcasm contained within.

Conditions I like to work in

Quiet; headphones on; low lighting.

Coffee machine adjacent.

I don’t hotdesk. Without a fixed place, my OCD will trigger.

The times/hours I like to work

I’m generally available in CET between 10–12 and 14–17 and 20–22.

Outside those hours, ping me first because insomnia and kids means my schedule can get real weird real fast.

Never contact me when I’m on vacation or sick unless its really urgent (e.g. the Data Centre is on fire).

The best way to communicate with me


Quick questions via iMessage or FaceTime Audio if its easier to ask or explain than type.

I eschew Discord, IRC, Matrix, Slack, and Teams, and will only check them periodically; notifications are disabled because it is an antithesis to maintaining my flow.

The way I like to receive feedback

Email (or if code-related, raise an issue or write a PR)

Request a video chat.

Request a IRL meetup: I’ll bring coffee, but you’re responsible for croissants and/or schnecken1.

Things I need

Time to reflect because: measure twice cut once.

Things I struggle with

Pointless bureaucracy.


People who need constant validation; if you are that insecure, seek professional help.

People who use the phrase “learnings” or “writings”.

How everything these days has to be “positive” and nobody wants to hear any “negativity” because skins are so thin and everybody is offended by their own shadow.

Things I love

Working with professionals who just get on with it and deliver on time.

Other things to know about me

I am incoherent before the second cup of coffee in the day.

Stroopwafels make things better; white chocolate FTW.


Tabs not spaces.

  1. as an alternative, pain aux chocolate are acceptable ↩︎