life pro tips
Here’s a list of the “life pro tips”1 that I have personally discovered and that have genuinely improved my life. It is a very small list.
- never buy screenwash
- Buying screenwash (a.k.a. windshield wiper fluid) for your car is a waste of money. Instead, buy concentrated screenwash and dilute as necessary. The cost is about 20% of buying the pre-diluted bottles that everybody wants to sell you. Plus, bringing back 1 × 250ml plastic bottle of concentrate is a lot easier than schlepping its equivalent of 5 × 5L plastic can from the store. You can also find concentrated antifrost and cleaner for use in winter, but it is very hard to find and not as concentracted so the saving only about 50%.
$LastModified: 2024-11-21 11:05:42Z (Thu, 21 Nov 2024) $
If you are looking for those from other people, there is r/LifeProTips ↩︎